MS—DOS is famous operation system software, which is designed by Microsoft Corporation. MS-DOS is a group of programs or series of instructions written in computer language. These instructions are stored in files and tell to the computer to perform a task. MS-DOS allows users to manipulate information between the diskette drive, memory, monitor etc.
Types of DOC Command
1) Internal Command:- Internal Command executes immediately they can be through system files only. Therefore, when system files loaded you do not need extra DOC file to perform these commands. Eg. Dir, Cls, Del, Copy, Time, Date, Cd, Md, Rd, Type etc.
2) External Command:- External Command are on the disk as programs files. They must be read for disk before they are executed. Or this command will be performed by loading extra dos files. Eg. Attrib, Format, Label, Deltree, Scandisk, Edit etc.
Internal Command
DATE:- This command is use to display current date in our computer.
Syntax:- C:\>DATE (press Enter-key)
Massage:- Current date is Tuesday, August 22,2004
Enter New Date:-(MM-DD-YY)
TIME:- This command is used to display current time in our computer
Syntax:- C:\>Time (press Enter-key)
Massage:- current time is 7:05:13:45 PM
Enter New Time:-
Now you can type your required time (hh-mm-ss-msec) (Press enter-key)
CLS:- This command is used to clear the screen
Syntax:- c:\>cls (press enter)
LABEL:- This command displays the disk drive volume label. Label allows to change
to change the volume label or the disk drive.
Syntax:- C:\> LABEL then press enter key
Result:- volume in drive C is National
Volume Serial Number is .............
Volume label (11 characters, inter for none)? (Type label name) & Press enter
VERSION:- This command is use to display Ms-Dos version
Syntax:- c:\>Ver (press enter)
Now the computer display the version of ms-dos.
DIR:- This command is used to display a file list
Syntax:- C:\>dir (press enter-key)- This command is use to display file & Sub Directory in current drive.
C:\>dir/p Page Wise
C:\>dir/w Column Wise
C:\>dir/s All files on all Sub-Directory
C:\>dir ??? All having three letter file
Dir/Ah Display all hidden files.
C:\>dir/Ad All Directory Only
Dir/A-d All files only
Dir *. Doc Display Extension of Doc
Dir *.Exe Display extension of Exe
Dir/On Ascending order
Dir/O-n Descending order
Dir/Os With Size
MD:- This command is use create a new Directory and sub Directory
Syantax:- C:\> MD
Eg:- MD Krishna then press enter key
CD:- Close or Change (Open) Directory)
a) Change (Open) Directory
C:\> CD
Eg:- CD Krishna then press enter key
b) Close Directory
I) C:\ CD.. Close Directory step by step
II) C:\ CD\ Close all Directory one at a time
COPY CON :- This command is use to create new file in dos mode.
Syntax :-C:\> Copy con
eg:-Copy con Sushila then Press Enter
Then, type the text and Press F6 or CTRL+Z to save the file.
TYPE :- This command is used to display the text in dos create files.
Syntax :- C:\> Type
Eg: Type Skill Then press enter key
RENAME:- This command is used to change the file name
Syntax:- C:> Rename
Eg:- Rename Krishna Suman
Copy:- This command is used to copy file one location to another location
Syantax:- C:\>Copy
Eg:- C:\> Copy Ram D:\Sita> Then Press Enter Key
DEL:- This command is use to delete file
Eg:- Del Krishna
RD:- This command is use or remove empty (blank) directory
Syntax :- C:\> RD
Eg:- RD Sita
DELTREE:- Thsi command is use to delete all file and subdirectory altogether.
Sysntax:- C:\>Delete
eg:- C:\>Delete Krishna then press enter key
ATTRIB:- This command is use to attribute file and sub directory
Attribute Functions
+H Hide (File will not be visible)
-H Unhide (Make hidden file visible again)
+R Read only (File can’t be over written)
-R Read & Write (File may be overwritten)
Prompt Command
This command is used to change the structure of the command prompt. If you want to include your name/firm name beginning of the current drive sign use prompt command.
Syntax: Prompt
Eg: Prompt Pokhara and press enter
Some options are listed below
$T = Current Time
$D = Current Date
$P = Current Drive Path
$V = Dos’s Version Number
$G = > (Greater Than)
$L = < (Less Than)
$P$G = Return to normal Prompt
Scandisk This command is use to scan (Clean) Drive & found out any error .
Syantax:-C:\>Scandisk Then press enter-key, Then choose any drive, click on start.
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