Create a Stylish Business Card in Photoshop
Hello My Dear Friends, Sorry for being so late in publishing my next tutorial,
but i assure you that from now we will post some very unique, and interesting
tutorials on Photoshop. By the way, you might find some english mistakes,
maybe a lot sometimes, but I will try my best to make it as legible as
Today we are going to "Create a Stylish looking Business Card in
Photoshop". Its an very easy and simple tutorial to understand.
This tutorial is something inspired by "Ismaelgnc's
Business Cards
on flickr. I like the idea and the way of presentation, so i decided to share
the steps behind creation of Business Cards but in my own way. So lets start
with it...!!
Lets start with opening a new File in photoshop of 800px x 700px
dimension by clicking on File menu > New or pressing CTRL + N
on your keyboard.
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Step 1
Use the settings as it shown in the image above.STEP 2
After opening a new file, Set Foreground Color to #000000 (black) and
Background Color to #dda100 (ocre yellow). After Doing these, Go to Filters
menu > Render > Clounds.
After applying Render > Clouds filter, your image will look like this:
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Step 2
Then add a blank layer over this and fill it with black color and set its opacity to 65%. Till now we have completed the background for
our business card.
Now add a blank layer on the previous black color layer and name it
as "card". Now with Marquee tool selected (M), draw a rectangle in
center of your image, and fill it with black color. Now go to
"card" layer's Blending Options or just double click on
"Card" layer. In Blending options Dialog box, choose
"Gradient Overlay".
In this, choose Blend mode to 'Normal' ;
Opacity to '100%' ;
Gradient color from Black to Grey (#000000 to #6A6A6A) & Check the
Reverse box;
Style = Radial , Align with Layer ;
Angle equals to 0 ; and
Scale to 150% .
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Step 3
and also apply outer glow property to this layer in blending options.Use the settings shown in above image and click on Ok. Now you have
some similar to image shown below:
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Step 3
Now lets move to the next step !!STEP 4
After doing all the above steps, add one blank layer above the
"Card" layer and name it "Strip". Again in this
layer draw a rectangular Marquee and fill it with the yellow bg color. Now
transform it (CTRL + T) slightly to the left, in this way so that its width
covers the Left top corner of the card below.
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Step 4
Now while "Strip" layer still selected, press CTRL key + click on the "Card" layer. This will select the filled area of
"card" layer. Now we have to delete the extra space from the strip
layer, so to invert the selection, press (CTRL + SHIFT + I) and press delete
key to remove the extra space.
Now make two duplicate layer of the "Strip" layer by right
click on Layer > Duplicate layer, above the original "Strip"
Name them "Strip Texture" and "Strip Shadow"
respectively. Now drag "Strip Shadow" layer below the
"Strip" layer and fill Black color in it instead of yellow color.
Now Go to Filters menu > Blur > Motion Blur & apply motion
blur with 0 degree angle and 40 px distance.
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Step 4
"Strip Shadow" layer.
Now come to "Strip Texture" layer and fill it with black color same
like previous step. Now CTRL + Click on "Strip Texture", this will
create selection around the black space.
Go to Filters menu > Noise > Add Noise. and select the settings as
shown in image below.
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Step 5
After that , immediately go to Filter menu > Blur > Motion Blurand click on Ok button.
Now change the blending mode from 'Normal' to 'Linear Dodge' of
"Strip-Texture" Layer. Now you have something Similar to the image
shown below :
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Step 5
Now after this, again move to "Strip" layer and open its Blending
Option dialogue box. In which select "Gradient Overlay" property and
choose the settings shown below :
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Step 6
want to write.
After Inserting Text in your image, add a blank layer named as
"Card-Texture" above all the layer. Now while
"Card-Texture" layer selected, Press CTRL and Click on
"Card" layer to select the filled area. After Selection go to
"Card-Texture" layer and fill it with black color. Now change the
blending mode of "Card-texture" layer from 'Normal' to 'Soft
ok. Now you Have an Image similar to shown below :
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Step 6
Its looks like we have almost completed....the only thing remaining is to
add fire in the Card. For that.. i used a stock photo from
Import it in your file and adjust it accordingly...
To delete the unwanted parts from flames... use Quick Mask option.
If you dont know how to use quick mask.. then you have to visit my next
tutorial in which I am going to show you "How to
Create a burning word"
Here is our final image. Looking cool !! You can view the final
image preview below or view a larger
version here
Creative Business Card Tutorial - Final Result
original Source file, then here is the link below :DOWNLOAD PSD SOURCE FILE
How can i make transparent business cards in Photoshop?